Books on wellness, nutrition, fitness and mindfulness offer valuable insights on how to achieve and maintain a state of optimal well-being. So explore a different perspective through Amanda’ s eyes & develop a personalized understanding of what optimum health could mean for you!
HULL HEALTH - Nutrition & Fitness Books (recipes & workout ideas anyone will love).
Cooking & Consuming With What God Gave Us
Cooking & Consuming With What God Gave Us is a fabulous way to appreciate true nutrition. This book is filled with super easy recipes and creative ideas that anyone can incorporate into family meal time. Natural foods are the best way to improve your overall health, satisfy pesky cravings and maybe even lose those extra pounds. Your body is a gift from God. Respect that gift with the proper nutrition and care. Invest in good food & buy this incredible book.
3rd Book of WODs
There are over 130 workouts in this book (along with some silly selfies and straight-forward inspiration). Get the book, grab a Sharpie, write on the pages and keep track of your scores & times. Every single one of these WODs can be scaled and there are plenty of bodyweight workouts that anyone can do. Find the motivation and appreciate what your mind & body are capable of. Start today (or as soon as this awesome book is delivered)!
2nd Book of WODs
As a continuation of the Original Book of WODs; this book features well over 100 workouts, plus some really great health tips and fun photos. The workouts in this book can be done alone in your garage gym or with a group of friends outdoors. Each and every one of these WODs should be considered a challenge AND an accomplishment. So buy this book, get to work and check these workouts off one by one!
Original Book of WODs
Hull Health was born in 2020 during the “pandemic” with this Original Book of WODs. The workouts in this book are a combination of Hero WODs, Googled WODs, and WODs the author has created herself. All of them were intended to be shared with anyone who had a passion for health and fitness while everyone was in “lock-down”. This book was created to inspire people to keep moving during a time when we all needed it most.